Monday, May 24, 2010

Things I have learned but continue to forget that I already know...

1. That when you first get a cup of coffee/tea it is hot.

2. That many of my friends have blogs and I know they are entertaining.

3. Monday thru Friday my alarm will go off and I will be mad about it.

4. Everyday I get older but still feel young.

5. That God is EvErYwHeRe and has His hand in EvErYtHiNg!

6. That I have weak ankles.

7. That I am not a size 2.

8. That I can no longer eat what I want because the removal of my gal bladder forbids it.

9. That I get tired everyday around 3pm.

10. All of the reasons why I want to get a dog and forget why I can not...... I do not have time and it would be sooooo neglected.

11. Shorts are not my friend.

12. That I can yell at the TV all I want... the characters will not talk back and it will not change the outcome of the show.

There are many others but I will leave you with that.

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